..rain on my parade
No more _ _ _ _ _ _
Thursday, Mar. 28, 2002 @ 10:45 pm

It's over.Over.Over.Over. I'm the one who broke up with him and yet I still feel like crap. How can that possibly be? I once again have to give it up to the women's intuition. I knew something was up and yet I let a lot of people talk me into thinking that I was just overreacting. I should have just broken up with him last week. Gotten it over with. But instead I let myself hold on to hope that things would get better. Then tonight he was just an asshole. I mean I was grinding my teeth the whole four hours that felt like an eternity. I wanted to do it the whole night at work but I knew then I would be stuck with him for the rest of the night. So I waited. Then he dropped me off and said goodnight and then I just said."This isn't good." He agreed. And I said "It's over." He also agreed.He then goes on to explain that he thought he was ready to have a girlfriend again (It's been three months since the "princess" as he so affectionatly calls her) but he wasn't. I'm sure that is just a bullshit line. He then goes on to inform me that he's felt this way for awhile but he didn't know how to go about it. Which is of course the classic guy trick to get the girl to break up with him and make him not seem like the bad guy. He assured me that we'd still be friends which I'm sure is only a thing to coddle me. I can't help but cry when I write this. Why do men have to be such assholes? I never want to have anything to do with them ever again. I REALLY mean it this time. I've never had a good experience with them so why do I even bother.


This was my ironic horoscope today...Don't let minor setbacks get you down. You have plenty to offer and if one person doesn't appreciate you another one will.

before*little girl your in the middle* after

Katie(me)...curvy single 21 year old Wisconsin waitress who has the worst luck in men, believes in the positive effects of sexy underwear especially black,can't live without music, painted toenails, Curves(gym for women)and a good book(The Scandolous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Lorraine Despres)

The non-fuckwit~Jeremy the wonderful guy I'm seeing, met him at the restaurant where I work

THE FUCKWITS...George...very attractive very MARRIED flirtatious cook at work and oh yeah whose brother is Fernando,who I fooled around with before George started at the restaurantand before I found out he too was married Arturo...busboy I was interested in and kissed but nothing ever came ofJeremy...ex I broke up with in march because he wasn't ready for a relationship and then he got engaged a month later


Jessica...best friend, beautiful built like a playboy bunny who I love yet drives me crazy

Erin...my best friend down to earth with a three year old son Logan

Cali...my long lost twin or so it seems at the restaurant

Miriah...friend from work who is absolutly beautiful on the inside and out

Judi's Place...family restaurant I work at they are like a second family