..rain on my parade
Saturday, Mar. 30, 2002 @ 9:28 pm

First I was afraid I was petrified Kept thinking I could never live without you by my side

But I spent so many nights thinking how you did me wrong I grew strong I learned how to carry on

No more tears for me. I never thought I'd be saying this or saying this so soon but I don't mind being single. In fact I like it. I had a really good day. You wouldn't think so considering I had to work both my jobs and see "the ex". But I really did. It helped that for one Jeremy looked like crap. I'm not just saying that because the fact that I lost some respect for the guy. He had a nasty hangover complete with bloodshot eyes and messy stubble. He was absolutly miserable. It's hard to feel bad for a guy who does that to himself. It reminded me about how much I hated how often and how much he drank. Not to mention how much money, which he has very little, he wasted on it. He spent $130 the last weekend. And then he complains about how little money he had. Who's fault is that? It would drive me insane how he would complain about his lack of hours and his lack of money and how he needed to get another job,but he did nothing about it. He was so immature about some things. Don't get me wrong the first two weeks of our relationship where great. I don't think I've ever been happier in my life. But the second half sucked. It just got progressivly worse. I don't know why I held on so long. I know I was just hoping things would go back to the way they were. But they didn't. Last night I was talking to Erin and she was telling me that he'll regret his decision and within two weeks will want me back. And I was so into that idea. I wanted so badly for him to be miserable missing me. But now I know that I will be completly okay on my own. Peter my bosses son (other job, I've learned my lesson from dating at the gas station) came in. I had had a thing for him for quite some time. He used to always come into the gas station. He's not gorgeous but he's always smiling and has this great outgoing personality. I was worried though that he was married because whenever I would go into the restaurant(where I now work) I'd see him in this picture that was on the counter with a nineteen year old girl, a toddler and a baby. I thought oh great I have a crush on a married guy with two kids. But I found out that they were all his sisters. Today he came in with the little ones. You should see him with them. I'm sorry I am such a sap for guys who are good with kids. It goes right to my heart. But anyways he was super nice and talkative today. It was just so nice. Don't worry I'm not planning to go and jump into another relationship right away. Plus I had this really sweet and flirty guy at one of my tables. And I just had to smile and think "Yup, I still got it."

before*little girl your in the middle* after

i don't need your rainy day on my parade
* currently
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* notes
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* dland

Katie(me)...curvy single 21 year old Wisconsin waitress who has the worst luck in men, believes in the positive effects of sexy underwear especially black,can't live without music, painted toenails, Curves(gym for women)and a good book(The Scandolous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Lorraine Despres)

The non-fuckwit~Jeremy the wonderful guy I'm seeing, met him at the restaurant where I work

THE FUCKWITS...George...very attractive very MARRIED flirtatious cook at work and oh yeah whose brother is Fernando,who I fooled around with before George started at the restaurantand before I found out he too was married Arturo...busboy I was interested in and kissed but nothing ever came ofJeremy...ex I broke up with in march because he wasn't ready for a relationship and then he got engaged a month later


Jessica...best friend, beautiful built like a playboy bunny who I love yet drives me crazy

Erin...my best friend down to earth with a three year old son Logan

Cali...my long lost twin or so it seems at the restaurant

Miriah...friend from work who is absolutly beautiful on the inside and out

Judi's Place...family restaurant I work at they are like a second family