..rain on my parade
{achy breaky heart}
Monday, Mar. 18, 2002 @ 9:11 am

"It's always times like these...when I think of you...and I wonder...If you ever think of me...Cause everything's so wrong...And I don't belong...living in your precious memories...Cause I need you...And I miss you...If I could just see you tonight...I don't want to let you know...I drown in your memory...I don't want to let this go...If I could just see you...if I could just hold you....Tonight"~Vanessa Carlton

I'm sure women all over the world have different ways in which to treat a broken heart. For me the victim of my heartbreak is my hair. Each time it ends with a guy I cared about I cut and/or dye my hair. For some strange reason it makes me feel slightly better. To me,it is a symbolization that I am about to start a new part of my life. I need this new start in order to move out of that past situation.

The other thing that I do is destroy all the evidence of that relationship. If it were important yet heartbreaking I pack it far, far away. I still have a scrap of envelope that Nick had written his phone number on. I'm not quite sure where it is but one day I'll find it again and it will be far enough into the past for me to look at it. For my brief encounter with Ben, I tore every one of the mentions of him out of my diary and shredded the picture of him and made a nice little bon fire in our back yard. It felt really good for me to rid myself of any reminders of him. I'm not sure what I will do when it ends with Jeremy since most of it is holed up inside. I have these pages which won't burn very easily, a movie stub from "We Were Soldiers" and a calender page with his number on it. Who knows maybe things won't end. I'd really like that. But not so much that I would play the game of waiting around until he calls or changes his mind. Maybe we were better off as friends. Only time shall tell.

before*little girl your in the middle* after

i don't need your rainy day on my parade
* currently
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* notes
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* dland

Katie(me)...curvy single 21 year old Wisconsin waitress who has the worst luck in men, believes in the positive effects of sexy underwear especially black,can't live without music, painted toenails, Curves(gym for women)and a good book(The Scandolous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Lorraine Despres)

The non-fuckwit~Jeremy the wonderful guy I'm seeing, met him at the restaurant where I work

THE FUCKWITS...George...very attractive very MARRIED flirtatious cook at work and oh yeah whose brother is Fernando,who I fooled around with before George started at the restaurantand before I found out he too was married Arturo...busboy I was interested in and kissed but nothing ever came ofJeremy...ex I broke up with in march because he wasn't ready for a relationship and then he got engaged a month later


Jessica...best friend, beautiful built like a playboy bunny who I love yet drives me crazy

Erin...my best friend down to earth with a three year old son Logan

Cali...my long lost twin or so it seems at the restaurant

Miriah...friend from work who is absolutly beautiful on the inside and out

Judi's Place...family restaurant I work at they are like a second family