..rain on my parade
Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2002 @ 10:40 am

I think I am still blushing ten shades of red. I just was in acting class which I share with solemn guy (if you don't know who this is please refer to older entries). We've been analyzing this scene from "Keys" which is about a couple confronting commitment issues. Cory, Mr Ambercrombie (not my type) volunteers for the male role and nobody is volunteering for the female role. Eric who sits next to me tells me I should really go up there, so I do. Big Mistake! The scene in which we are recreating involves me straddling him while giving him a massage. I'm thinking "God, what have I got myself into?" The teacher tells me I should do only as much as I feel comfortable doing. Nothing about this is making me comfortable, would have been my first choice but instead Cory lies on the floor and I knelt beside him. The whole time I was worried about my purple panties showing since of course today is the day I decide to wear my damn low riding American Eagle khakis. I hope Solemn Guy likes purple because he probably got a nice view.

before*little girl your in the middle* after

i don't need your rainy day on my parade
* currently
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* dland

Katie(me)...curvy single 21 year old Wisconsin waitress who has the worst luck in men, believes in the positive effects of sexy underwear especially black,can't live without music, painted toenails, Curves(gym for women)and a good book(The Scandolous Summer of Sissy LeBlanc by Lorraine Despres)

The non-fuckwit~Jeremy the wonderful guy I'm seeing, met him at the restaurant where I work

THE FUCKWITS...George...very attractive very MARRIED flirtatious cook at work and oh yeah whose brother is Fernando,who I fooled around with before George started at the restaurantand before I found out he too was married Arturo...busboy I was interested in and kissed but nothing ever came ofJeremy...ex I broke up with in march because he wasn't ready for a relationship and then he got engaged a month later


Jessica...best friend, beautiful built like a playboy bunny who I love yet drives me crazy

Erin...my best friend down to earth with a three year old son Logan

Cali...my long lost twin or so it seems at the restaurant

Miriah...friend from work who is absolutly beautiful on the inside and out

Judi's Place...family restaurant I work at they are like a second family